About Our Research


Dr. Berke's research applies a culturally-informed, empirical lens to the study of interpersonal violence under the heading gender-based violence; a general term used to capture violence resulting from normative gender role expectations and unequal power relationships between men and women within the context of a specific society.

As a clinical scientist, her research seeks to understand how gender ideologies may lead to violent victimization and psychological impairment, particularly among women, and sexual and gender diverse people. A fundamental end goal of this research program is to identify risk and protective factors to inform interventions to prevent violence and treat its consequences. Dr. Berke's research is both laboratory- and community-based. In these settings, she applies principles and theories from clinical psychology, social psychology, and public health to generate solutions to gender-based social inequalities. The Gender-Based Violence Lab is dedicated to research, advocacy, and service that can improve the lives of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender communities in all their diversity.